When the Marsh Come Alive - New works from Cape Cod Artist Chris Gillis

When the Marsh Come Alive - New works from Cape Cod Artist Chris Gillis

As the long, harsh winter finally loosens its grip on Cape Cod, the once-dreary marsh starts to show signs of life. A hint of green begins to emerge, signaling the arrival of a new season. The marsh becomes a bustling ecosystem, with vibrant vegetation and a symphony of birds filling the air. The muddy creeks come alive with flowing water, and the banks of the marsh start to teem with activity as the periwinkles make their appearance. Keep a close watch, and you might catch a glimpse of the fiddler crabs returning to their familiar habitats, poking their curious heads out of the sand.

The marsh becomes a playground of life, with birds calling out to each other in a chatter of melodies - a mesmerizing chorus of more than 10 different songs blending into a beautiful, chaotic harmony. Are these mating calls? Signs of distress? or simply joyful melodies celebrating the return to their beloved marshland after a long winter and migration?

As you wander through the marsh, you'll discover mysterious traces and intricate pathways etched in the sand and mud, hinting at the presence of elusive creatures. Is it the work of a mooncusser, a sea worm, or perhaps the remnants of a nocturnal dance performed by a mysterious bird? The marsh is truly enchanting as life surges back into the area.

While creating this series, I aimed to immerse myself in the transformation of the marsh from grey to green. I spent time sketching and observing the mornings on the marsh as the sun rose and everything came to life. I focused on exploring the intricate details found in the mud, grassy patches, and bits of straw, delving closer to the earth. Although there are endless possibilities for painting the marsh, I've completed these paintings this spring inspired by the changing season. I drew inspiration from the creatures, the color shifts, the compositions that emerged, the skies, and the shifts in value as things changed over. I hope you enjoy them.

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